[Salon] Official Chinese reaction to Blinken's China speech

From the People's Liberation Army Daily (Xinhua) via Google Translate

The "Four No Changes" in the U.S. Strategy toward China

US Secretary of State Blinken delivered a speech on the Biden administration's China strategy on the 26th. Blinken's speech looks eloquent, but in fact it is nothing new. It is still smearing China's domestic and foreign policies. Its fundamental purpose is to contain and suppress China's development and safeguard the hegemony and power of the United States.

The US's strategic positioning of viewing China as a competitor has not changed. As we all know, after the Biden administration came to power, it mistakenly regarded China as a "strategic competitor" and sought to contain China in a systematic way. Although Blinken mentioned that the United States does not seek conflict or a "new cold war" and seeks cooperation with China in some areas, his emphasis is still on the "China threat" and regards China as a strategic opponent. Blinken summed up the U.S. strategy toward China as "investment, alliance, and competition." The so-called "investment" and "alliance" are both means, and the ultimate goal is to "compete" with China. Compared with the previous trichotomy of "competition, cooperation and confrontation" in China policy, Blinken eliminated "cooperation", which some media believe highlights the more confrontational significance of the Biden administration's China policy. In the Biden administration's China strategy, cooperation is only a cover, competition is the theme, and containment is the essence.

Qin Gang, China's ambassador to the United States, pointed out that using competition to define Sino-US relations will only exacerbate tensions and lead to confrontation. The competition the US calls is not a fair, healthy, mutually beneficial and win-win competition that promotes social progress, but a zero-sum game of competition in which you lose and I win, and a competition to safeguard US hegemonic interests everywhere. The United States imposes its own set of private rules on the other side, and even uses any means to contain and suppress the other side.

 The US's smearing and slandering of China has not changed. Blinken's speech was not a conventional declaration of China policy, but an intensely heavy-handed effort to smear and slander China. In his speech, Blinken spread all kinds of false information, described China as the so-called "most serious long-term challenge" to the world order, labelled China as "coercive diplomacy", and maximized his ability to smear China. Depicting China as a "threat" is the usual practice of the US side, and it is deliberately throwing dirty water on China, and it is the biggest lie trying to mislead the world's public opinion. China has always adhered to the path of peaceful development. China was, is and will be a defender of the international order.

Who is the "biggest challenge" to the world order, and who is the biggest "source of chaos" in the world? The eyes of the world are sharp. Since the beginning of the 21st century, the United States has started the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, intervened in the Syrian civil war, and now it has "fired" the conflict between Russia and Ukraine. In addition to direct military intervention, economic sanctions, cultural infiltration, incitement to riots, and election manipulation are also the US's "good tricks." What the United States has done has turned the world into chaos, caused social unrest, economic collapse, and displacement of people in many places, and brought endless turmoil and pain to the people of the world. The U.S. has always placed domestic law above international law, and adopted a pragmatic attitude of applying international rules if they are suitable and discarding them if they are not. This is the biggest source of chaos in the international order. The United States is the "professional [practitioner]" of "coercion diplomacy", and the coercion targets no matter how big or small, no matter how far or near, or even friends and foes, and the international community is deeply affected by it.

The US's ambition to interfere in China's internal affairs and delay China's development has not changed. In recent years, the U.S. side has made constant "small moves" on Taiwan, Hong Kong, Xinjiang, Tibet and other issues, interfering in China's internal affairs, in an attempt to delay and interfere with the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. For this reason, the United States has frequently tried to test China's bottom line by "striking the edge" on the Taiwan issue, beautifying its anti-China and chaotic actions in Hong Kong into a "beautiful landscape", and concocting outrageous lies such as "forced labor" and "genocide" on Xinjiang-related issues... This time, Blinken continued to fabricate lies, spread false information, and mislead the world. In fact, the United States itself has a lot of debts and bad records on human rights, and it has no right to act as a "human rights defender", let alone point fingers at other countries.

On the Taiwan issue, the U.S. verbally says it does not support "Taiwan independence", but it has repeatedly violated its political commitments to China, attempted to hollow out the one-China principle, and fueled the arrogance of the "Taiwan independence" forces, which is a serious threat to the peace and stability of the Taiwan Strait. threaten. It is foreseeable that in the face of the 1.4 billion Chinese people with strong determination, firm will and strong ability to defend national sovereignty and territorial integrity, the US's plot is doomed to never succeed. The way the US says one thing does another has not changed.

A man cannot stand without faith, and a country without faith will decline. However, the United States, the world's largest country, often speaks loudly and acts in a sleazy manner. It is dishonest, deceives the world, and allows some innocent and kind people to be fooled. In recent years, the US has repeatedly stated that it abides by the principles of the three Sino-US joint communiqués, but in fact it says one thing and does another, and the principles and spirit embodied in the three joint communiqués are gradually being hollowed out by them.

US President Biden has promised that the US does not seek a new Cold War, does not seek to change China's system, does not seek to strengthen alliances against China, does not support "Taiwan independence", and has no intention of confrontation with China. But unfortunately, judging from Blinken's speech and what the United States has done to suppress China's "small circle" recently, this "four non-no-nonsense" commitment has always been floating in the air and has never landed. This is not what a responsible big country should be, nor is it what a country with credibility does. This also shows that some of Blinken's rhetoric is just yet another instance of dissembling.

China-US relations are one of the most important bilateral relations in the world today. China and the United States share huge common interests and responsibilities. Only through win-win cooperation can the two peoples and the world be benefited. We advise the U.S. side to truly let go of its obsession with smearing and suppressing China, abandon its attempt to contain and contain China, stop its words and deeds that undermine China-U.S. relations, and make the right choice based on the common interests of the people of China, the U.S. and the world. (Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, May 28, reporters Wu Liming, Deng Xianlai)

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